Thank the Farmers!

Pulling over on a busy north south state road can be dangerous, but nothing was coming as I checked the rear view mirror. Making sure I parked straight on the wide shoulder, turning on the flashers, I waited for the tractor to pass, looking in the mirror again. The window glided down with a simple button push, and I stared across the highway at a landscape of work well done. The morning breeze carried familiar earthy pasture smells, and a couple of swallows flew across the corn field. To some it may seem time wasted but I see it as time invested in a greater purpose. And, it’s just..beautiful. If there are some cows in sight, even better! Usually I will stop and say hello to the mamas, traffic permitting, or at least yell out the window “how sweet and lovely you are today”. No cows here but I am stuck on this view. Farming is a challenging lifestyle, especially for the smaller farms. There’s a love of land, livestock, and tradition that lessens the trials. I’ve read and heard personal stories. It ain’t an easy life but there are rewards for the diligent and faithful. In the 1800s most families had their own cow. Rural families predominantly lived on small farms in recent generations. Times have changed. Superstores and easy grab and go outlets, among other convenience shifts, have strained the small American farm.

When I see a lush green corn field, adjacent to a red painted barn, and stout blue silo, I think honor, strength, gratitude. Farming is the backbone of America, feeding and fueling our nation. Offering homage roadside today, was good fortune,  a reminder that summer brings a rich variety of food by way of local farm deliveries . The produce stands are brimming full of fresh goods, nutrient dense, colorful, edibles. These long hot days offer the perks of vegetables and fruits that need no side dish, or much preparing. Keep it simple, it’s summer.

There are several produce stands within 5 miles and one within walking distance. Each unique to their owners and packed with deliciousness. Nothing sweeter than a drive to an Amish farm stand, where the Mrs. had washed and set out her goods for sale, just before our arrival. Loading the reusable bag with summer squash, onions, parsley, basil, lettuce varieties, and small cukes, (for $5.00!), we kicked some gravel on the way to the open trunk. Anxious to get home, and prepare a salad with summer’s fresh finds.  We lingered a few minutes in the car, watching a gentleman in a straw hat planting, reaching in and out of a large cloth bag. The tilled land stretched farther than we could see, on the side of the hill. Potatoes, we thought. The farm gardens will be plentiful this year hopefully, for those working the land and those who like to eat the best offerings. Support and purchase local grown. You won’t have to travel far to find it. The fresh picks are ready and available for your table, thanks to the farmers.

Thank the farmers

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